Fart Jokes

Favorite Sport which is enjoyed and performed by Americans. It is said by a report that fart jokes are reducing the IQs level of average American. There is an ISO standard given by anonymous: WHEN YOU SHOULD NEVER FART: 1. Inside a crowded Lift. 2. Inside a public library. 3. On a crowded train. 4. Whilst giving a speech. 5. In Church. 6. Whilst on a date. 7. In a packed lecture theatre. 8. In your office. 9. At a cinema. 10. In a walk-in freezer - it'll linger a while 11. In a ticket line. 13. On an airplane. 14. During confession 15. In the bed, whilst feeling frisky. 16. In bed when you're feeling frisky 17. While fighting fire in a burning building 19. In a patrol car for a minor violation WHEN TO FART: 1. Bosses office as you are about to leave. - best to make sure it's silent but violent. 2. In a bathroom. 3. In the cashiers line - it's bound to speed things up. 4. The empty elevator before you get off. 5. Beside an occupied dressing room - no doubt it'll quickly become unnocupied. 6. Your co-workers cubicle at the office. 7. When deep sea diving. 8. Back seat of the Police Mobile after being arrested. 9. In your car if you've been carjacked. 10. During a pie eating competition to distract your competitors.